Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday, September 4

Today in MOAS:

  • Senior Meeting
  • Geography of the Western Hemisphere
  • Current Event #1
    • Find an article about a current important topic in the Western Hemisphere. Write a one page summary/analysis of the article.
      • Why is it important to our study of Hemispheric Relations?
      • You will present them next week!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Welcome Back!

Welcome to Model OAS! I am very excited for this year--- Lake Placid will be representing the Delegation of Brazil!

Today in MOAS:

  • Introduce syllabus
  • What is the OAS anyway?
  • What's the Model all about?
    • Show a resolution
  • Create our folders
  • Geography of the Western Hemisphere
  • Begin Current Event (?)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Resolution Draft #3

Analyze your resolution based on the question and answer sessions. What are the weaknesses in your resolution? Where can you strengthen your argument. Perform a self-edit and peer-edits.

Due: 3/27/15

Resolution Practice and Defense

Review Parliamentary Procedure and the expectations of the Model. Each group will present their Resolution to the class. Students are required to ask and field questions.


Position Papers

Research our official position in the United States on each Agenda Topic for your committee. Compose a one page paper for each.

Due: 3/6/15

Current Event #8

Due: 2/28/15